November 30, 2014
September 26, 2014
Tube socket hardware
August 02, 2014
Xicon caps
June 01, 2014
New website, new blog
Hello to everyone, and welcome to Tube Audio Supply! This is my much improved website, with better navigation, faster checkout, and now I take credit cards as well as Paypal. The checkout is now only 1 or 2 pages, depending on your payment type, and if you are a registered user (not required)
I have spent several weeks (months really) upgrading the website, but there may still be some bugs in it. If you find any bugs or have anything to report, feel free to email me, and i'll get it fixed!
Shipping is now calculated by the total weight of the order, so orders under 13 ounces can go first class mail and save some money. As always, we are small order friendly. If you need just a few caps and a pilot light, you can get it fast and shipped for very little.
Thanks for stopping by, and please visit again soon. I will be updating the blog as time allows, and adding many new products as they come in.